Assay of fourinsecticide concentrations in INIA 82.2 band.against. Naupactus xanthographus Germain in vineyards

Renato Ripa S.1

Four insecticide condentrations in INIA 82.2 band (Ripa, 1985) were tested against the ruit tree weevir: Naupactus xanthographus, in a vineyard at Los Andes. The two highest concentrations, 7 and 5% azinhosmethyl,: showed 100% controlof the adult populetion. The 1 and 0.1% formulations, resulted in 99.95% and 99.04% control, respectively. Under commercial field conditions, the use of 1 or 0.1 % formulations, wouild mean theuse of 40 or 4 g of insecticide/ha respectively, with a reasonably good contror degree.

1 Subestación Experimental La Cruz (INIA), Casilla 3, La Cruz, Chile.