Weeds'| seed transported by the irrigation water. II. Identification, germination and distribution of the species, through one irrigation season

Juan Tosso T.1, Raúl Ferreyra E.2 y Leonardo Muñoz S.3

During the 1982/83 seasan, a study was canducted, at La Platina Experimental Statian (INIA), Santiago, on weeds' seed transported by the irrigation water. In this II Part, results on identification, germination, and distribution are reported. Forty eight species were identified, most of them belonging to the families Compositae, Gramineae and Cruciferae, with 19,17 and 10%, respectively. The weed species present in larger amounts per 1.000 m3 of water, were Chenopodium album L., Pecris echioides L., Lepidium sp., Lactuca sp., Lolium sp., and Solanum sp. The distrubution of the weed seeds, through the season, was quite different and depended, basically, on the specific species considered. Quantitative information is given, for the most important species.

1 Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Casilla 439/3, Santiago, Chile.
2 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439/3, Santiago, Chile.
3 a/c Juan Tosso, CasiIla 439/3, Santiago, Chile.