Weeds'| seed transported by the irrigation water III. Design of structures to avoid fields infestation

Raúl Ferreyra E.1, Juan Tosso T.2 y Leonardo Muñoz S.3

During the 1982/83 season, at La Platina Experiment Station (INlA), Santiago, a study was conducted on weeds' seed transported by the irrigation water. in th is III Part, results are given on structures designed to capture these seeds. Two different structures were evaluated: one placed in a vertical and the other in an horizontal position, within the irrigation canal. Both of them had screens, with different sizes (18, 25 and 35 mesh). Three different flow rates of water were tested (10, 20 and 30 It/sec), and two qual ities of water were used. It was concluded that the structure with an horizontal position, was a better solution, as it showed operative advantages. Also, it was possible to determine screen areas necessary for different flow rates of water.

1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439/3, Santiago, Chile.
2 Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INlA), Casilla 439/3, Santiago, Chile.
3 a/c Juan Tosso T., Casilla 439/3, Santiago, Chile.