Effect of sowing date and seed dose on stablisment and forage production of Galenia secunda (L.f.) Sond.

Fernando Squella N.1, Talía Gutiérrez von H.2 y Nora Aedo M.1

The research was performed from May 2, 1977 to November 15, 1978, at the Los Vilos Experimental Substation (lNlA), located in the coastal dryland, IV Region of Chile (Lat. 31º51' S and Long. 71º30’ W). The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four replications, arranged in split plots: four main treatments (100, 200, 400, and 800 g of seed/ha) and six subtreatments (sowing dates, from May 2, 1977 to September 20, 1977). The variables measured were: seedling emergence, plant survival and forage yield. Also, soil moisture and minimum soil temperature were recorded. The best emergences were obtained with the earlier dates of sowing (May and June) and a direct relationship between sowing date and sowing dose was observed. The survival was higher with the sowing dates of August. A lower relative survival was found with the higher sowing doses. Dry matter yields were statistically (P < 0.05) better when the sowings were done on the 1st and 25th of August (5.8 and 4.9 Ton DM/ha, respectively). The best yield was obtained with the 800 g/ha sowing dose (P < 0.01). According to results of this study, the best sowings will be those realized later in winter (August) and with a high sowing rate (800 g/ha, in this experiment).

1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.
2 Instituto Profesional de Santiago, San Ignacio 175, Santiago, Chile.