Eighty years of Biological Control in Chile. Historical review and evaluation of the projects undertaken (1903 - 1983)

Enrique Zúñiga S.1

Activities in biological control have benn conducted in Chile since 1903. The main work was initiated by the technical divisions of the Ministry of Agriculture and continued by the Agricultural Research Institute (INIA), created in 1964 by the Ministry. Theschools of Agriculture, at the Univ. of Chile, the Univ. Austral of Chile, and the Univ. of Tarapacá (ex Northern Univ.), have also made contributions. During these 80 years, 76 species have been introduced; of these, 42 have been stablished and are contro lling many pests (insects and weeds); 30 failed to be stablished in Chile; and the stablishment of the lasi four, has not been verified yet. A review of the programme and a list of species involved is presented. The economical and environmental protection impact of these activities are emphasized.

1 Subestación Experimental La Cruz (INIA), Casilla 3, La Cruz, Chile.