Grapevines cv. Sauvignonnasse and Semillon, trained in a pergola type system, were found in the Talca area, VII Region, affected by visual symptoms of potassium deficiency. Threedosesof potassium sulfate were a applied in the fali of 1977; 0, 300 and 600 kg/ha of K2O. During the following ssons, up to 1980, growth and production were evaluated. Yield of treated plants increased in the 1979 and 1980 seasons, but no differences were observed either among doses or cultivars. Larger numbers of bunches per bud were obtained in treated plants, th is being the factor probably responsible of the greater yields. In the last season of evaluation (1980), treatments with K2SO4 showed a better vegetative growth than check plants, measured as prunning weight. Sauvignonnasse presented a larger growth than Semillon. |