Effect of irrigation water management on Phytophthora capsici, causing pepper blight

Raúl Ferreyra E.1, Juan Tosso T.2 y Carmen Fernández M.1

During two seasons, 1981/82 and 1982/83, three trials were conducted, to study theeffect of irrigation water management on the incidence of pepper blight (Rhytophthora capsici). The experiments considered the amount of water applied, irrigation frequency and method of irrigation. In alI these experiments, a randomized block design was used. Results indicate that, under the conditions of thesetrials,the incidence of Phytophthora capsici was considerably diminished when the plants were transplanted on top of the furrow ridges and the depth of the furrows tes increased to 30 cm. It was observed that the frequency of irrigation had no effect on the incidence of pepper blight. But, excessive water applications, of 1.3 times the pan evaporation, increased the presence of this desease.

1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile.
2 Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile.