Use of the Acacia caven range. I. Tree influence on the herbaceous productivity

Carlos Ovalle M.1, Julia Avendaño R.2

In order to establish the tendencies of the Mediterranean subhumid range performance under three (30, 50 and 80%) Acacia caven (Mol.) Hook et Am. canopy coverings, observations and measurements of forage production and botanical composition were made. A direct relation between the tree canopy covering and the productivity of the herbaceous vegetation under it, was detected: 2,780, 3,274, and 3,966 kg of D.M./hectare/year were measured under 30, 50, and 80% tree covering, respectively. Lolium multiflorum L. increased its contribution as the tree canopy covering increased, and this implied a decrease in the legu mes contribution.

1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426. Chillán, Chile.
2 Subestación Experimental Cauquenes, Casilla 165, Cauquenes, Chile.