ABSTRACT Effect of maturity on the physical, chemical and sensorial properties of frozen peas
J.A. Olaeta1, M.W. Montgomery2, R.F.Cain2 |
Tenderometer values, total solids, alcohol insoluble solids and total soluble sugars of raw peas were significantly correlated with the sensory parameters of starchiness, sweetness. tenderness. texture, fla vor and overall desirability of freshly frozen peas. After frozen storage for 8 months, no significant correlations were found between the objetive parameters and flavor and overall desirability. These results reaffirm the use of tenderometer value, total solids and alcohol insoluble solids as indicators of maturity for peas for freezing, but do not predict the flavor or overall desirability after frozen storage. The variability of total soluble sugars do not allow the use of this parameter as an indicator of pea maturity. |
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1 Escuela de AgronomÃa. U. Católica de ValparaÃso, Casilla 4, Quillota, Chile. Parte de los requisitos para optar al grado de M.Sc., Oregon State Univ. 2 Department of Food Science and Technology, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331, U.S.A. |