ABSTRACT lmprovement systems for natural pastures in the Andean Foot-hills (VIII Region)
Guido Gutiérrez G.1, Marcos Figueroa R.2 y Patricio Soto O.3 |
During three years, two improvement systems were evaluated: fertilization with NPK and fertilization plus broadcasting subterraneum dover and orchardgrass seeds. The following criteria were considered: dry matter production, date of the first harvest and its effect on regrowth, and rotational use, every 56 days, starting in September. Forage production (DM.), botanical composition, crude protein, crude fiber, and digestible organic matter were determined. Results indicated a marked seasonality in the pasture growth curve, characterized by a slow winter growth, an active late spring development, and growth interruption and loss of biomass during the summer and fall. The improvement systems studied increased forage production, without affecting the seasonality of the growth curve. After the vegetative cover reached a mature stage, crude protein and digestible organic matter contents decreased. Delaying the first utilization caused a slower recovery of the forage species. Pasture improvement with seed and fertilization without tillage, was acceptable for subterraneum dover, but was not appropiate for orchardgrass. |
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1 a/c Prof. Marcos Figueroa, Casilla 537, Chillán, Chile. 2 Escuela de AgronomÃa, U. de Concepción, Casilla 537, Chillán, Chile. 3 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426, Chillán, Chile. |