During a six years period (1969-1971 and 1975-1979) a milk production system was evaluated at the Humán Experiment Station (INIA), Los Angeles, Chile. A white dover (Trifolium repens L.) ryegrass (LoIium perenne) mixture was used mainly for grazing (70% of the area), and red dover (Trifolium pratense), for harvesting (30% of the area). During winter, Holstein cows were fed the harvested forage, plus in sorne cases sugar beet tops and leaves, beet pulp and rapeseed meal. Replacement heifers were not included in the system. Milk production, without correcting for D.M. introduced to the system, was 7,141 kg/ha and 3,587 kg/cow, during the first two years. During the last four years, milk production adjusted for D.M. imported to the system, was 6,331 kg/ha and 3,739 kg/cow, wjth an average stocking rate of 1.69 cows/ha. Under the given conditions, a system based on only pastures, would need an area relationship of 58% for grazing (white clover/ryegrass) and 42% for harvesting (red dover). |
1 Subestación Experimental Humán (INIA), Casilla 767, Los Angeles, Chile. 2 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426, Chillán, Chile. 3 Actualmente en curso de Post-grado, Fac. de AgronomÃa, U. Católica de Chile. |