ABSTRACT Evaluation of solar radiation and luminosity in Chile. II. Proposal of formulae to estimate instantaneous and averaç|je Iuminosity
Fernando SantibáÃiez Q.1, Haydée Castillo G.1 y Juan Vera A.2 |
An experimentally derived system to evaluate the quantity and intensity of the flux of natural luminous energy is presented. The proposed equations enable us to estimate the luminous intensity jo photometric units, as well as the flux density of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in terms of energy. lnstantaneous values, daily average values, and the daily total flux of luminous energy can be estimated in both cases. |
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1 Fac. de Ciencias Agrarias, Veterinarias y Forestales, U. de Chile, Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile. 2 Dirección Meteorológica de Chile, Dir. Gral de Aeronáutica Civil. Santiago, Chile. |