At La Platina Exp. Sta. (INIA), Santiago, Chile, information obtained from wheat introduction nurseries in 1979. was analyzed to determine the effect on' yield of plant height, Erysiphe graminis, Helminthosporium tritici-repentis and "dry leaf'symptom. The average yield was related with plant height: lines 1.20 m or taller gave yields 10.5 per cent higher than lines smaller than 1.10 m. E. graminis affected yield in 5.3 per cent; H. tritici- repentis, in 6.6 per cent, "dry leaf" symptom, in 10.5 per cent; E. graminis together with "dry leaf", in 15 per cent; all this, when compared with lines with normal leaves and no disease symptoms. There was no association between E. graminis or H. tritici-repentis and "dry leaf" symptom. Correlation values are given for yield, plant height, susceptibility to E. graminis and H. tritici-repentis, kernel shrivel ing, heading date, number of selections, and "dry leaf" character. |