Erna M. Soto A.1, Adriana Pinto de Torres2 y Lautaro Cancino E.3 |
In order to evaluate the effect of new fungicides and to identity the causal organisms of post-harvest diseases of table grapes, AlmerÃa and Emperor varieties, this trial was carried out under field conditions in the Chiñigue area, near Santiago. The laboratory test were done at "La Platina" Experiment Station of the Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. The material used in the control of grape disease were: Cercobin M. 70% WP (Thiophanate) 60 g/100 liters, Benlate 50% WP (Benomyl) 60 g/100 l., Tecto 60% WP (TBZ) 300 g/100 l., and some nonsystemic fungicides like Sclex 30% WP (dichlozoline) 200 g/100 l. and a mixture of Orthocide 50% WP (Captan) 7 Kg/ha and sulfur 28 Kg/ha, complemented with SO2 fumigation. The latter mixture was applied as a dust; the other fungicides were applied as sprays. |
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1Ing. Agr., Servicio AgrÃcola y Gandero, Curicó. 2Ing. Agr., Investigador INIA, Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile. Profesor Cátedra de PatologÃa Frutal, Facultad de AgronomÃa, Universidad de Chile. 3Ing. Agr., Investigador Estación Agronómia Antumapu, Profesor Coordinador Cátedra PatologÃa Frutal, Facultad de AgronomÃa, Universidad de Chile. |