During the summer of 1971, Sultanina table-grape samples .,' were sprayed before harvesting with one out of five fungicides: Benlate, Cercobin, Tecto,BAS 3201-F, and Orthocide plus sulfuro. Clusters were also kept in one ofthree systems namely: "Chile 1 box", without extra fungicide; "Chile 1 box" fumigated, and the third, packed in perforated polyethylene box liners. containing sulfur-dioxide. All the fruit but a control was previously inoculated with Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr., and the containers stored in a cold room at 1 to 1,5°C. Aftet 23, days in storage all pre-harvest treatments resulted equally superior to the inoculated, control in preventing decay., After 58 days, Benlate, Cercobin and Orthoc cide plus sulfur, were equally effectÃve and superior to theother treatments. BAS 3201-F, Tecto and the non-inoculated control, showed no difference among them but the, percentage of decayed fruits was lower than in the inoculated control. In relation to post-harvest systems, the best results were obtained when clusters vvere packed in poIyethylene box liners with addition of disulfite. Grapes packed in "Chile 1 box" with fumigation, presented less decay than "Chile 1 box" without fumigation. |