Paul Hebel1, Gastón AlegrÃa2, Victor López3, Mirta Segovia1 y Mario Luengo1 |
Studies of morfological alterations of fifty eight udders from Santiago slaughter houses which showed different alterations of mastitis were made. The lesions observed were classified as six inespecific: acute galactophoromastitis, chronic galactophoromastitis, granulomatous mastitis, chronic obliterative mastitis, abscedativ mastitis and necrotic mastitis, and one specific group, mamary tuberculosis. In the inespecific group two were considered as basic: acute galactophoromastitis and necrotic mastitis, and the others were derived from them. Among the microorganisms isolated Corynebacterium pyogenes was isolated in most of the case followed by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae. |
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1Grupo de AnatomÃa Patológica, Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias y Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 5539, Santiago, Chile. 2Grupo de MicrobiologÃa, Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias y Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 5539, Santiago, Chile. 3Práctica cientÃfica. |