Lautaro Cancino E.1, Bernardo L.atorre G.2 y Cecilia Aronowosky3 |
A survey was carried out in the commercial peach orchards and other stone fruits of the areas of Aconcagua, Santiago and O'Higgins. Serious losses caused by Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke and Berth, were observed. In all orchards visited, the most affected by the disease were peaches. The symptons found correspond to those reported in the literatme. It is estimated that the infection: averaged 20-25% but in some instances it was found to be as high as 75%. The degree of infeetion and the pathogenecity of the causal organism permit us to condude that at present this is the most important disease of young peach orchards in the peach growing area of central Chile. |
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1lng. Agr. M. S., Profesor Auxiliar de la Cátedra de FitopatologÃa General, Departamento de Producción AgrÃcola, Facultad de AgronomÃa, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile. 2lng. Agr. Jefe de Trabajos de la Cátedra de Fitopatologia General, Departamento de Producción AgrÃcola, Facultad de AgronomÃa, Universidad de Chile. 3Ing. Agr., Servicio AgrÃcola y Ganadero, San Felipe, Chile. |