Gotardo Schenkel S.1, Pedro Baherle V.2, Tatiana Floody A.3 y Mauricio Gajardo M.4 |
The results obtained in pot experiments with perennial x annual ryegrass are pre· sented in this paper. Lines of production for three fertilization formulas in 102 soil samples of the CautÃn province are calculated. The three fertilizations tried are: ammonium nitrate (N), ammonium nitrate + triple superphosphate (NP), and ammonium nitrate + triple superphosphate + potassium sulphate (NPKS,). The mean of the calculated production lines are plotted on a fertility diagram, where the lines of fertilities are compared. The influence of the deepness of the soil sample is studied in some of the profiles. Finally, field inrormation is given that corroborates the nutrient deficiencies-diagnosis obtained with the studied samples. This research shows that the fertilization NP is not enough for a full correction of the mineral nutrition deficiencies existing in the soils of the province of CautÃn. |
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1Ing. QuÃmico, Proyecto Fertilidad de Suelo, Estación Experimental CarilIanca, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), CasilIa 58-D, Temuco, Chile. 2Ing. Agr., Proyecto Fertilidad de Suelo, Estación Experimental CarilIanca, INIA. 3Laboratorista QuÃmico, Proyecto Fertilidad de Suelo, Estación Experimental Carillanca, INIA. 4Ayudante de Laboratorio e Invernadero, Proyecto Fertilidad de Suelo, Estación Experimental CarilIanca, INIA. |