Efraín Volosky Y.1

The carrot cultivars Chantenay and Royal Chantenay have shown to be ouststanding in root characters and yield in experiments conducted in the central zone of Chile.
Following an experiment where sowings were made during 12 months, it was estimated that it is possible to sow carrots in this area throughout the year, except in the months of January and February. The length of the vegetative period diminished from the May to the December sowing, possibly related to the higher mean temperatures of the period for the later sowing, and the maximun temperatures of the first 15 days after sowing. There was a tendency for root deformation and discoloration in the winter harvested crops, corresponding to the sowings of March and April. Better root characteristics were found in spring rather than in summer sowings. The highest yields were obtained with the Octaber sowing, the next best being July; the lowest yields were obtained with the January and February plantings.

1Ing. Agr. Investigador Proyecto Hortalizas, Estación Experimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias.