José Potoónjak R.1, Alejandro Skoknió K.1 y Sergio Cornejo V.1 |
An experiment was conducted with 24 crossbreed pigs during growing and finishing periods (from 30 to 95 Kg average live weight), alloted to 4 treatmensts: 3 barrows and 3 females each. Sorghum grain (var. Holly) was incorporated replacing corn from control groups (64% of total ration) in level of 50 - 75 and 100% respectively. The rations contained 15 and 13% of total protein during growing and finishing periods respectively. |
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1Médico Veterinarios, Departemento de Producción Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias y Medicina VeterÃnaria, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 5539, Santiago, Chile |