The results of trials of dates of sowing of peas in the Agricultural Experimental Station ot Paine near Santiago are analysed. One trial was carried in 1953 and was harvested as dry peas. A second trial in 1954 was harvested as green peas. In both trials, the variety Perfection was sown at 8 different dates. In both years an Earlier harvesting was obtained from the April sowings. A relation between the yield and climatic factors was observed. In general an increasing temperature is associated with decreasing yield. After the epoch of maximun yield, a parallelism exists between the yield and the accumulated rainfall and accumulated temperatures in the period from sowing to harvest. Maximun yields were obtained in 1953 from the June sowing and in 1954 from that of May. The maximun financial gain corresponded to the sowing of May 1954. It is deduced that sowings of peas for green harveswing in the central zone of Chile should be carried out in May-june. It is considered that the experiments should be continued and extended to the south-central zone. |