Alfalfa and alfalfa hay were tested for their content of three vitamins; nicotinic, panthotenic and folic acids, by means of a ,microbiological method. The microotganisms used were Lactobacillus arabinosus 17-5 for the nicotinic and panthotenie acids, and Streptoeoeeus faecqlis R 8043 for folie acid. In the cases of nieotinie and parithotenie aeidsthe pH meter was used instead of titrating with NaOH; trie turbidimetrie method was used for testint folie aeid. The figures obtained were: nicotinic acid partthotenic acid folie acid Alfalfa (dry matter): 38.9 mg/l000 24.7 mg/1000 2.9 mg/l000 Alfalfa hay (dry matter): 32.38 mg/l000 20.50 mg/1000 2.76 mg/1000 These figures were compared with those given by Morrison. |