The experiments undertaken were performed on a score of 20 fully grown draught horses; whose weight varied between 300 and 500 kilograms.
Before administering the medicine, examinations of the feces, urine and bIood were performed. Three; eighteen, and twenty days afterwards, the same examinations were repeated.
The Stoll method, J. H. Whitlock modified was used in making the eggs count per gram in the feces.
The examinations of the urine were performed in each individual case by the following, methods:
Albumin: Heat test and at times the Reller Reaction.
Blood: Piramidon reaction.
Red cells: Examination of the sediment.
The red cells count in the bload was performed with the globule counting camera of Thomas Zeiss. The haemoglabin was checked by the Shali Methad.

1 Médico Veterinario