Toxicological effects of extracts of Peruvian peppertree (Schinus molle) and lantana (Lantana camara) on Chrysoperla externa (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), Trichogramma pintoi (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and C

José Iannacone O.1*, Gerardo Lamas M.2

Extracts of two plants, lantana (Lantana camara L., Verbenaceae) and the Peruvian peppertree (Schinus molle L., Anacardiaceae), were evaluated on eggs, first stage larvae and pupae of Chrysoperla externa Hagen (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), and on the immature and adult phases of the microhymenopterans Trichogramma pintoi Voegelé (Trichogrammatidae) and Copidosoma koehleri Blanchard (Encyrtidae) in toxicological bioassays under laboratory conditions. At the concentrations applied, aqueous extracts (F1) of lantana and Peruvian peppertree caused no significant effects on larval (residual assay) and pupal (dip assay) mortality of C. externa, but the egg hatching rate (dip assay) was affected by hexanic extract (F2; 10%) of lantana and Peruvian peppertree, and by acetonic extract (F3; 10%) of lantana leaves. Adults of T. pintoi were susceptible to almost all fractions in residual contact trials; adults of C. koehleri were affected by F1 Peruvian peppertree and F3 lantana. Emergence of both parasitoids was significantly affected by F2 lantana and Peruvian peppertree, and by F3 lantana in comparison to the control (distilled water). The most intense effects among the three insects assayed were produced by F2 and F3 lantana fractions. T. pintoi was slightly more sensitive to botanical extracts in comparison with C. koehleri. The possibility of using these botanical insecticides in an Integrated Pest Management program is discussed.

Keywords: botanical insecticides, benefical insects, natural enemies, Lantana camara, Schinus molle.
1 Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas, Lima, Perú. E-mail: joselorena@terra.com *Autor para correspondencia.
2 Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Apartado 14-0434, Lima, Perú. E-mail: glamasm@unmsm.edu.pe