Agronomical evaluation of phosphorus source effects on flooded rice

Rodrigo Ortega B.1 y Carlos Rojas W.

Agronomical efficiency ofphosphate soluble sources was compared with Chilean phosphate rock BIFOX (a carbonate-apatite) as an alternative for P deficiency attenuation in paddy rice (Oriza sativa L.) soi ls of Chi le. This effect was evaluated in terms of grain yield and agronomical characteristics ofthe crop. The experiments were conducted between 1987/88 and 1991/92 growing seasons including a representative cultivar each season (DiamanteINIA, Oro and Buli-INIA). An increase in phosphorus availability due to flooding conditions effects was observed, and the release of this element showed the same behavior for all the evaluated sources. AlI ferti lizer sources increased grain yields, and reduced floret sterility. An induction of crop precocious effect was observed with P application which was apparent through a lower grain moisture content.

Keywords: Agronomical efficiency, Driza sativa L., phosphorus sources.
1 Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Centro Regional Quilamapu, Casilla 426, Chillán, Chile. rortega@inia.cl.