Arbuscular mycorrhizae and phosphatase activity of ten wheat cultivars.

Fernando Borie B.1, Rosa Rubio H. y Carlos Schalchli O.

Among the mechanisms involved in an enhanced phosphorus acquisition the association of root plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and the excretion ofroot phosphatases can be viewed as important strategies developped by plants growing in soils having high Pfixation capacity as Andisols. ConsequentIy, in spite of the high levels of P contents, especially under organic P compounds or associated to soil organic matter, available P is generaily low in this soils. The objective of this work was to evaluate under glasshouse conditions mycorrhizal dependency and root phosphatase shown by ten spring wheat cultivars. Data obtained show that eight cultivars were significantiy dependent ofnative AMF and ail cultivars studied showed a significantIy increase in shoot yieId with the inoculation of Glomus elunicalum CH- I 10, speciaily Taita and Paleta cultivars. Root phosphatase activity was higher in plants growing without mycorrhizae, native or inoculated, and correlated welI with soil phosphatase, reinforcing the suggestion that P-uptake by mycorrizal fungi could be a complementary mechanism to root phosphatase activity.

Keywords: wheat, arbuscular mycorrhiza, phosphatase activity.
1 Universidad de La Frontera, Casilla 54 - D, Temuco. fborie@werken.ufro.cl.