Modelling vertical stress distribution due to machinery traffic on the soil profile. An analytical approach.

Ricardo Smith R.1 y Achim Ellies S.

Modelling compaction processes for agricultural or forest soils provides a quantitative method to estimate and predict the physical changes ofsoil, hence allowing their comparison with the maximum variations permitted without damaging the productive potential of soil. PrincipIes ofthe Elasticity Theory were used to derive equations describing stress distribution in a semiinfinite and homogeneous medium when a punctual load was applied on its surface. A concentration factor λ was introduced in order to correct the equations for the plastic properties of soil, and an expression for continuous load distributions and different shapes ofthe tire-soil interface was obtained by applying the principIe ofsuperposition. The effect ofthe contact area shape and superficial load distribution are discussed through simulations. When different forms ofestimating the concentration factor λ were compared, data suggests that simplified procedures of calculation can lead to inaccurate estimates.

Keywords: Stress distribution, Boussinesq equations, concentration factor, soil compaction.
1 Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile. e-mail: rsmith@valdivia.uca.uach.cl.