Red claver (Trifolium pratense L.) varieties trial

Patricio Soto O.1, Andrés France I.1, Germán Martinez R.1 y Mónica Cortez A.1

Eighteen red clover (Trifolium pratense) varieties were evaluated during three consecutive years. The trial was sown on April1986 at Ouilamapu Experimental Station, Chillán,Chile in a complete random block design with 3 replications. Plots were 2.x 6 mwith 20 cm between lines and seeding rate of 10 kg/ ha. Seeds were previously inoculated and pelletized with calcium carbonate. Fertilization at sowing was 52 kg P and 42 kg K/ha. Thereafter P was used anually and K only in the second year. The triar was irrigated, dry matter yield was measured using a mover 3, 4 and 2 times during the first, second and third seasons respectively. Disease incidence was evaluated visually before cutting with notes from 1 to 9. Total dry matter production in the three years ranged from 13 to 27 ton D.M./ha, with the highest value for Ouiñequeli variety. However, it seems necesaryto improve in it its resistance to some powery mildew cause by Erysíphe trífolii. Forage quality was measured for the highest producing cut and ranged from 13.2 to 20.5% crude protein and 1.99 to 2.18 Mcal of metabilizable energy/kg D.M.

Keywords: Trifolium pratense, red clover, breeding.
1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INlA), Casilla 426. Chlllán, Chile.