ABSTRACT Identifieation of Onion yellow dwarf virus on garlie (Allium sativum L.)
Alicia Bruna V.1, Moisés Escaff G.1 y Carlos Muñoz S.1 |
Throughout the world garlic crops are infected with viruses which cause mosaic symptoms and chlorotic stripes on the leaves, reduce the size of the plants and the crop yield. Description and characterization of different garlic viruses have been confusing and complex on a world bases; nevertheless, in the last decade the advances in virological techniques have been sufficient to permit a clarification on this subject. Preliminary studies done by INIA demostrated the presence of different viruses affecting our garlic cultivars. By using serological techniques of enzyme-Iinked immunosorbent essay (ELlSA), immunosorbent electron microscopy and decoration (ISEM + O) and insect vectors transmission it was identified onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) in chilean garlics, affecting 100% of the population. This is the first report on a virus disease of garlics in our country. |
Keywords: Allium sativum, virus, onion yellow dwarf virus, garlic, OYDV. |
1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile. |