Research to cletermine the baking quality of new wheat crosses was recently completecl at the Farinology Laboratory of the Institute of Agricultural Research. These investigations ,vere conducted on wheat crosses which were in their early generations (F2, F3). The following wheat crosses were stucliecl: Menflo X Surpresa, Orofén 60 X RÃo Negro, Yaktana 54 Norin 10 X Flocor Kentana, Primafen X Florence Aurore, Gabo MeMurachy-South Africa 43 X Yaktana 54 Norin 10, ancl Thatcher Santa Catalina X Mayo 54 X Klein Petiso. The F2 generation was plantecl in July 1962 and harvested in January 1963. The F3 generation was planted in January 1963 amI harvested in May 1963. Determination of baking quality was made according to the Pelshenke Test. The following calculations were macle: general correlation of the six crosses, correlation between F2 and F3 generations of each cross, and Stuclent's Test comparison of the offspring after selecting the best and worst 10% of the F2 generation. This was done individually for each cross. The analysis proved that it is possible to begin the selection of wheat crosses fram the F2 generatian. Data shawecl that when both parents have poor baking quality their offsprings do not result in goocl baking quality. From the six crosses made analyzed, Primafen X Florence Aurore, Gabo Me ivlurachy-South Africa 43 X Yaktana 54 Norin 10 and Thatcher Santa Catalina X Mayo 54 X Klein Petiso were improvers of their offspring. Crosses having the parent Thatcher Santa Catalina X :Mayo 54 X Klein Petiso produced the best baking quality. The three remaining crosses did not show improvements in the baking quality of their offspring. |