Mario Alvarez A. y Primo Accatino L.1

Experiments on Tobacco Mosaic Virus purification methods were made morder to obtain e1ectron microscopy photographs. The following methods were used:
A) Differential centrifugation;
B) Double differential centrifugation;
C) Ammonium sulphate precipitation and distilled water dialysis;
D) Ammoniurn sulphate precipitation and saline dialysis;
E) Sap exudation of diseased planto
Results basecl on photograph study indicatecl that the best treatment was that of the double differential centrifugation method, and that although the sap exudation method is not so efficient, it can be usecl advantageously as a time saving one.

1 Ingenieros Agrónomos: Proyecto Fitopatología , Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias.