Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile
Pages 1 - 71
Enero - Marzo 1983
Beef production systems wilh Hereford steers on the sub-humid Mediterranean natural pasture. I. Animal behavior
Authors: Carlos Ovalle M., Julia Avendaño R.,Ignacio Ruiz N.
Nutritional survey of vineyards in the coastal zone of the VIII Region of Chile
Authors: Jorge Etchevers B., Ricardo Merino H., Iván Vidal P., Eduardo Riquelme F., Fernando Llanos R.
Beef production systems with Hereford steers, on the Mediterranean sub-humid natural pasture. II. Economic analysis
Authors: Carlos Ovalle M., Nora Aedo M., Julia Avendaño R.
Characterization and variability of the interior dryland natural pasture in the subhumid Mediterranean zone of Chile
Authors: Hernán Acuña P., Julia Avendaño R., Carlos Ovalle M.
Fertility changes detected in Chilean soil profiles. I. Antecedents
Authors: Gotardo Schenkel S., Pedro Baherle V.
Effect of different fertilizer application methods during the formation period of vines, cv. Cinsault, at Cauquenes, Chile
Authors: Arturo Lavín A.
Effect of maturity on the physical, chemical and sensorial properties of frozen peas
Authors: J.A. Olaeta, M.W. Montgomery, R.F.Cain
Effect of field applications of fungicides and of SO2 as postharvest treatment, in the control of Botrytis cinerea Pers., in stored grapes, cv. Thompson Seedless
Authors: Mario Alvarez A., Vicente Vargas B.
Pestalotia truncata in leaves of Gevuina avellana
Authors: Hernán Peredo, Angélica Aguilar
Pages: 67-68 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
A case of hepathogenous photosensitization
Authors: Livio Zurita A., Jorge Correa B., Carmen G. Piñones
Pages: 69-71 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |