Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile
Pages 291 -
Octubre - Diciembre 1983
Effect of seeding date on grain yleid, test weight and sedimentation value of wheat. Arauco Province
Authors: Mario Mellado Z., Ricardo Madariaga B., Hernán Chamorro G. y Luis Barrales V.
A meat production system with European and Red Friesian bullocks born in autumn, on a dryland seeded mixed pasture
Authors: Claudio Rojas G. y Alejandro Granzotto del P.
lmprovement systems for natural pastures in the Andean Foot-hills (VIII Region)
Authors: Guido Gutiérrez G., Marcos Figueroa R. y Patricio Soto O.
Improvement of the natural pastures in the central longitudinal section of the X Region
Authors: Enrique Siebaid Sch., Mario Matzner K. y Femado Becker M.
A milk production system based on irrigated pastures for South Central Chile
Authors: Germán Klee G., Ernesto Jahn B., Walter Bonilla E. y Marta Fernañdez R.
Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization in the stablishment and growth of Atriplex repanda PhiI.
Authors: Jorge García Huidobro P. de A., Fernando Squella N., Raúl Meneses R.
Effect of protein supplementation for steers fed high levels of molasses
Authors: Ignacio Ruiz N., Ernesto Jahn R., Germán Klee G. y Pablo Millas A.
Effect of fallowing date on wheat yield, in the Piedmont soils of the Ãuble Province, South-Central Chile
Authors: Nicasio Rodríguez S., Aquiles Godoy R., Pedro del Canto S., Jorge Chavarría R. y Ciro Belmar N.
Nitrogen fertilization of rice. Effect on sorne agronomic characteristics
Authors: Carlos Rojas W., Roberto Alvarado A. y Ciro Belmar N.
Relations among leveis of Ca and P in the soil, forrage, and milk, in &ldquo|trumao&rdquo| soils of Osorno, Chile
Authors: Ljubo Goió M. y Hernán Bórquez M.
Evaluation of solar radiation and luminosity in Chile. II. Proposal of formulae to estimate instantaneous and averaç|je Iuminosity
Authors: Fernando Santibáíiez Q., Haydée Castillo G. y Juan Vera A.
Biochemistry of soils derived from volcanic ashes. IV. Solubilization of phosphates by soil fungi
Authors: Fernando Borie B., Josué Quinteros Q. y María Aguilera S.
Combined fertilization with N and K of and irrigated grape-vine pergola, Cv. Moscatel Rosada (Pink Muscat), at Cauquenes
Authors: Arturo Lavín A.
Innovative behavior following the adoption of artificial insemination practice among dairy producers in Southern Chile
Authors: Carlos A. Amtmann y Jubel Moraga R.
A new disease, &ldquo|brown spot&rdquo| (Pleiochaeta setosa), in lupine (LupÃnus albus) fields in the IX Region of Chile
Authors: Orlando Lara Z. y Orlando Andrade V.
Pages: 391-395 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
Talafén-INIA, a winter wheat variety
Authors: Juan Acevedo A.
Pages: 397 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
Rancofén-INIA, an alternative wheat variety
Authors: An me alternative wheat variety, for the southern wheat are of Chile, released by the Carillanca Experiment Station (INIA) is described.
Pages: 398 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |