Advanced sustainable practices: Exploring alternatives for wastewater reuse and nutrient recovery from animal production effluents, a review

Olga Herrera1 and Johannes de Bruijn1, 2*
Water is a vital resource for human survival, being the center of sustainable development. On the other hand, the livestock sector emerges as a major water consumer, producing a substantial volume of nutrient-rich wastewater. Consequently, the feasibility of reusing wastewater and recovering its nutrients becomes necessary to promote the sustainability of water sources. The aim of this study was to generate knowledge about tertiary treatment of wastewater from livestock and poultry industry, the reutilization of water and recovery of its nutrients, and potential applications. A systematic literature review by searching ScienceDirect and Web of Science platforms provides an exploration of technologies that facilitate the reuse of water and recovery of nutrients from livestock and poultry wastewater, including membrane filtration. As a result, the concentrated waste stream from membrane filtration can be utilized by an additional treatment of microalgae, bacteria or synergic consortia of microalgae and bacteria, in particular lactic acid bacteria that are innocuous to humans. Finally, the integration of these technologies presents a promising way to produce valuable biotechnological products with versatile applications in the pharmaceutical and food industries. However, the implementation of these technologies on an industrial scale requires more research.
Keywords: Livestock, poultry, waste valorization, wastewater, water reutilization.
1Universidad de Concepcion, Facultad de Ingenieria Agricola, Chillan, Chile.
2Universidad de Concepcion, Centro de Desarrollo Tecnologico Agroindustrial, Los Angeles, Chile.
*Corresponding author (jdebruij@udec.cl).