Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile
Pages 185 - 287
Julio - Septiembre 1983
Comparative study of the bromatological properties of Lentils (Lens culinaria) and &ldquo|falsa lenteja&rdquo| (Vida sativa ssp. abovata (Ser.) Gaudin)
Authors: Claudio Ciudad B., Claudio Cafati K. y Stella Moyano A.
Winter housing and its effect on rnilk production
Authors: Ernesto Jahn B., Agustín Vidal V., Hugo Vyhmeister B., Walter Bonilla E. y Pablo Millas A.
Physical properties of soilsfrom Ãuble, VIII Region of Chile
Authors: Iván Vidal P. y Pedro del Canto S.
Grazing systems for Iactating dairy cows
Authors: Ernesto Jahn B., Hugo Vyhmeister B., Agustín Vidal V., Walter Bonilla E. y Pablo Millas A.
Productivity study of onion (AIlium cepa L.), cv. Valenciana, at the Aconcagua Valley
Authors: Fernando Squella N., Olivia Prado M., Rafael Novoa S-A. y Domingo Garrido A.
Hay and sugar-beet pulp leveis for winter feeding of Iactating cows
Authors: Walter Bonilla E., Germán Klee G. e Ignacio Ruiz N.
Characteristics and properties of sorne Dyslrandepts in the Lake Region, southern zone of Chile. II. Charge and specific surface
Authors: Gloria Sepúlveda W. y Eduardo Besoain M.
Organic phosphorus in Chilean volcanic soils
Authors: Fernando Borie B. y José Miguel Barea N.
Correction of Fe deficiency in vineyards. Liman VaIIey, north-central Chile
Authors: Jorge Valenzuela B. y Carlos Reyes A.
Micromorphology of the &ldquo|Red CIay&rdquo| soils&rsquo| evolution in the Central Zone of Chile
Authors: Ricardo Honorato y Marcela Cubillos
Evaluation of white dover and red dover mixtures for Iactating dairy cows
Authors: Ernesto Jahn B.
The effect of seeding date and Ieaf rust (Puccinia coronata Cda.) on oat grain yield at the Arauco Province, Chile
Authors: Ricardo Madariaga B., Mario Mellado Z., Hernán Chamorro G., Luis Barrales V. y Edmundo Beratto M.
Wheat and barley yellow rusts epiphytics observed in Chile, during the season 1981/1982
Authors: Ernesto Hacke E. e Ignacio Ramírez A.
Monthly production of the mixed pasture compared with the monthly requirements of dairy cows, in southern Chile
Authors: Ljubo Goió M. y Nolberto Teuber K.
Pages: 279-281 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
Pseudomonas cichorii (Swingle) Stapp, associated with &ldquo|gummy spots&rdquo| in Armking nectarine&rsquo|s fruits, in Chile
Authors: Adriana Pinto de Torres e Iris Carreño Ibañez
Pages: 283-284 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
Survey of weeds associated with rice in Chile
Authors: Juan Ormeño N.
Pages: 285-287 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |