Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile
Pages 106 - 187
Abril - Junio 1993
Evaluation of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) cultivars in the IX Region
Authors: Fernando Ortega K , Oriella Romero Y.. Rafael Galdames G y Ramón González R
Evaluation of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars in the IX Region
Authors: Fernando Ortega K., Oriella Romero Y., Rafael Galdames G y Ramón González R.
Pages 112-117 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
Maize silage levels in the ration of autumn-calving dairy cows
Authors: Fernando Klein R., Francisco Lanuza A. y Humberto Navarro D.
Cage layer excreta or urea as nitrogen supplements ot maize silage, tor milk production
Authors: Claudio Wernli K., Cristián Uslar M. y Ernesto Jahn B.
Pages 126-135 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
The effeet of forage conservation on permanent pastures underintensive steer fattening systems
Authors: Enrique Siebald S,, Ljubo Goic M,, Alfredo Torres B, Humberto Navarro D, y Mario Matzner K,
Effect of body condition at lambing on birthweight, neonatal mortality and weaning weight in lambs and fleece weight on Merino Precocius ewes
Authors: Christian Crempien L., Javier López del P. y David Rodriguez S.
Effect of alfalfa hay supplementation on creole goats milk production
Authors: Raúl Meneses R.
Economy of walter on dry land wheat In the coastal range of Chilean, IV Region. l. Water balance
Authors: Elias Letelier A.. Lido Tortello M. y Claudio Ubilla R.
Black leg survey and potentlal of latent Infectlon (Erwinia spp) in certified patato seed lots in the X Region of Chile
Authors: Ivette Acuña B. y Peola Riffo F.
Relationshlps between ammonlum content and waterberry on table grapes
Authors: Rafael Ruiz S, y Stella Moyano A,