The temperature of an alluvial mollisol and five volcanic soils (andisols), at different depths, were analysed. Records of the agrometeorological stations located at La Platina Experiment Station (Santiago), Human Experiment Station (Los Angeles), Faculty of Agronomy of University of Concepción (Chillán), Carillanca Experiment Station (Temuco), and Remehue Experiment Station (Osomo), were used. The data collected permited to make an analysis of the soil annual mean temperatures and the air annual mean temperatures, as latitud and soil depth increases. Also, fluctuations of daily and seasonal temperatures at the depths of 10 and 50 cm, were compared with air mean temperature. Fluctuations of soil temperatures due to changes in meteorological conditions were studied, in relation to daily solar radiation, rain, and evaporation, during an eight days periodo The effect of seasonal fluctuations of soil temperatures, their mean temperature gradients in winter and summer, and annual mean temperatures were studied, in relation to depth. With annual mean temperatures, summer and winter mean temperaturesat a depth of 50 cm and the difference in mean temperatures between summer and winter, the temperature regimes of the different soils studied were established. This resulted in one soil (mollisol) having a termic regime and four soils (andisols), a mesic regime. |