ABSTRACT Effects of utilization and residue heights on productivity and botanical composition in a tal! fescue and subclover mixture
Hernán Acuña P.1, Oriella Romero Y.2 y Hernán Elizalde V.3 |
The study was conducted at the Carillanca Experimental Station (lNIA, Temuco) during the 1983/84 and 1984/85 seasons, with the objective to obtain practical management recommendations. A three years old tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae Sch.) cv. K-31 and subclover (Trifolium subterraneum) cv. Mount Barker pasture was used. The analysed variables were total dry matter yield, botanical composition and quality. The pasture was seeded in August 1982 and topdressed annually, with 17.5 kg of P/ha and 56 kg of N/ha. A complete block design, in a factorial arrangement, with four replicates was used; treatments consisted of three utilization heights (15-25-35 cm) combined with three residual heights (2-7-12 cm). Three additional treatments were: 10 cm utilization, with 2 and 7 cm residue, and 45 cm utilization, with 7 cm residue. Results indicated that total dry matter yield increased as height of utilization increased and height of residue decreased. Maximum yield was with the 35-2 combination. Clover contribution to yield was higher with the 2 cm residue; with a 15 cm utilization height, a better protein level was obtained. |
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1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (lNIA), Casilla 426, ChilIán, Chile. 2 Estación Experimental Carillanca (INIA), Casilla 58-D, Temuco, Chile. 3 Estación Experimental Remehue (INIA), Casilla 24-0, Osorno, Chile. |