ABSTRACT Soil management systems in young unirrigated vineyards in Cauquenes. I. Requirements of each system and effects on growth, nutrition, yield and fruit maturity
Arturo LavÃn A.1 y Marcelo Kogan A.2 |
In a young unirrigated Reisling vineyard, five soil management systems were imposed, at the Cauquenes Experimental Station (INlA) in 1974, considering: no culture, manual and mechanical tillage and combinations of residual, hormonal and contact herbicides, in accordance to weeds presento Plants response, in growth, nutrition, yield, and some fruit characteristics were evaluated and a detailed record of inputs needed by each system was kept, untill 1982. Systems wi1:h weed control practically always exceled no culture, in growth and yield, and those systems with combinations of residual and hormonal herbicides, exceled the tradicional tillage system. Effects on fruit maturity were not concluding, and those on nutrition, indicated a possible higher absorption rate of P, in plants under chemical weed control systems. |
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1 Subestación Experimental Cauquenes (INIA), Casilla 165, Cauquenes, Maule, Chile. 2 Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. U. de Chile, Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile. (Actualmente: Director Agricultural Research, Latin American Division, Staufer Chemical Co.). |