ABSTRACT Performance of early-ripening peaches and nectarines in the IV Region of Chile
Carlos Muñoz S.1. Gonzalo Sepúlveda R.2, Antonio Ibacache G.2, Jorge Valenzuela B.1 y W.B. Sherman3 |
The performance of low-ch ill ing peaches and necta rines in warm-winter areas of northern Chile is reported. 'Flordaking', 'FIordagem', 'Flordaprince' peaches and 'Sundowner' nectarine are described fenologically and morphologically, and their production during the first fruiting years is presented. AII four cultivars came from the Florida (USA) Peach Breeding Program, and are early ripening cultivars, ranging in fruit size, color, and p'lck'lng dates. AII of them can be grown between latitudes 30º and 31º45' S, in northern Chile, where chilling hours range from 84 to 840 hr. |
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1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile. 2 Subestación Experimental Vicuña (INlA), Casilla 73, Vicuña, Chile. 3 Fruit Crops Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. |