Nitrogen fertilizers in peach trees

Bruno Razeto M.1 y Sylvia Rojas Z.1

Equivalent (N) doses of Chilean nitrate, urea, ammonium nitrate (substituted since 1974 by ammonium phosphate) and cow manure were applied during nine years to a Dixi Red peach orchard, startng when the tress were one year oid. The orchard, located in Santiago, was growing on a loam soil, pH 8, kept under clean cultivation and with border irrigation. Ah fertilizers tried had a good effect on trees. ln the long run, vegetative growth and yield were greater in trees receiving manure. However, leaf N was lowest in this treatment. Manure caused a significant accumulation of P and K in the soil, and further absorption by the trees. At the same time, the rate of water infiltration in the soil increased, as a results of the addition of organic matter. Chilean nitrate, moderately increased the level of Na in the soil, but not in the ieaves, the soil showing higher values for pH and electrical conductivity. Leaf level of Mn was lowest with manure and highest with ammonium phosphate, that also produced the lowest soil pH. Zinc level in the leaves, was significantly higher with sodium nitrate. No differences were detected in foliar content of Ca, Mg and Fe. Results only apply to climate, soil, water and management conditions similar to those of this trial.

1 Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Veterinarias y Forestales. U. de Chile. Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile.