Description of the natural pastures in Continental Magallanes. II. sociological characteristics

Luis Soto K.1

Using the ring method with temporary transects, the frequency and fidelity of plant species were determined, during February and March 1976, in the more important ecological zones of Continental Magallanes, due to the large numbers of sheep and cattle they support.
In the Continental Patagonic Steppe (zone A), the natural pastures of Ultima Esperanza (zone B), and the Mesophitic Bush Area (zone C), 18, 9, and 4 observation stations were stablished and 5,400, 2,700, and 1,200 observations were made. Results are given in one table.
Comparing the lists of the species detected in the three zones, ihe following community coefficients were calculated: 44.8% for B and A, 39.7% for C and A, and 31.4% for C and B.
Species with high frequency values for the three zones were: Festuca gracillima, F. magellanica, Poa pratensis, Rhytidosperma virescens, Hypochoeris incana, Azorella trifurcata and Colubanthus quitensis. Species found only in zone B were: Stipa neesiana var. Humilis, Seneciopatagonicus, Taraxacum gi. lliessi, T of ficinale, Mulinum spinosum, Acaena sericea, Verbena tridens, Juncus balticus and Plantago lanceolata.

1 Estación Experimental Kampenaike y La Platina (INIA). Actualmente: Apartado Aéreo 2926, Cartagena, Colombia.