ABSTRACT Evaluation of a beef cattle and a sheep production system in the Ãuble Andean foothills. I. Primary and secondary production
Ignacio Ruiz N.1, Germán Klee G.2, Patricio Soto O.3, Amarilis Ulloa N.3 |
At the foothiils of the “Cordillera de Los Andes”, in the province of Ãuble, a beef cattle and a sheep production system were evaluated during three consecutive seasons. For both systems the main feeding source was a sub-clover pasture. The following parameters were measured: meat production/hectare/year for bovines; meat-wool/ha/ year for sheeps also, for the bovine system the available dry matter in the pasture was measured. In the beef cattle system, live weight output per hectare showed a progressive increase through the perriods (87.0, 110.3,and 135.5kg L.W./ha/year,successively). Thesheepsystem produced 91.5, 139.7, and 202.3 kg L.W./ha/year, in the successive periods. Between the first and third cycle, wool production varied from 13.8 to 25.2 kg/ha/year. Pasture availability under grazing reached a maximum value of 1 ton D.M./ha in the spring; during the winter months, values were below 0.5 ton D.M./ha. |
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1 Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile. 2 Subestación Experimental Humán, (INIA), Casilla 767, Los Angeles, Chile. 3 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INlA), Casilla 426,ChiIlán, Chile. |