Comparative study of the bromatological properties of Lentils (Lens culinaria) and &ldquo|falsa lenteja&rdquo| (Vida sativa ssp. abovata (Ser.) Gaudin)

Claudio Ciudad B.1, Claudio Cafati K.1 y Stella Moyano A.1

The “falsa lenteja” is frequently found growing spontaneously between the VI and the VIII Region of Chile. lts characteristics are very similar to lentils, most of all in color and shape. Previous studies indicated that this species could have agricultural advantages over lentils, promoting more intensive botanical, ‘agricultural and bromatological studies. The main objetive of this study was to evaluate, through chemical analysis as a first approach, the nutritional value of this legume. According to the Weende scheme, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerais were analized. Also, a comparative study of the aminoacids and lipid acids contents was made. Analysis indicated that both legumes have a very similar proximal composition, butwith an important difference in protein content (35% for “falsa lenteja” vs 25% for Ientils). Projecting this to the aminoacid content, which is similar in both legumes, the aminoacid value of “falsa lenteja” is somewhat higher than that of Ientils. Further nutritional studies on the protein biological value of this species show promising perspectives.

1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 5427, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.