Physical properties of soilsfrom Ñuble, VIII Region of Chile

Iván Vidal P.1 y Pedro del Canto S.2

An analysis of data on physical properties of eight groups of soi Is, based on previous agrologic studies, is presented. Trumao soils (Groups C and D) show the best physical characteristics for crop production. Coarse textured aluvial soils (Group H) show the most adverse hydric performances, while soils derived from granitic rock (Group A) and those from low positions (Group F) are conspicuous for their high values for bulk density and low for water infiltration. The remaining soils present intermediate physical properties.

1 Departamento de Agronomía, U. de Concepción, Casilla 537, Chillán, Chile.
2 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426, ChiIlán, Chile.