Roberto Carrillo Ll1, Nelly Mundaca B.2 |
During the period 1971 to 1973 periodic sampleswere taken in red clover pastures around Victoria, Chile, to ascertain the damages caused by Hylastinus obseurus (Marsham) , its distribution, and biology. Results showed the affected area to lie between the Malleco and CautÃn river's. In this area the insect overwinters mainly in roots in the adult form and, to alesser degree, as larvae and pupae. Dispersal occurred between the firts week of October andthe third week of December with a maximun in November. Based on. our observations, .damages caused by this insect can be importan. It was estimated that aproximately 15-20% of red clovel: roots were destroyed in the summer of firstyear attack. In the fall-winter period a great number of plants were uprooted due to frost. |
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1Ing. Agr., Profesor del Instituto de Defensa de Las Plantas, Escuela de AgronomÃa, Universidad Anstral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile. 2Laborante de· EntomologÃa, Instituto de Defensa de Las Plantas, Escuela de· AgronomÃa, Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile. |