Ljubo Goic M.1 y Osvaldo Herrera E.2 |
Two systems of watering lactating cows were compared at the Experiment Station Remehue in Osorno, Chile: I Water available continuously in the field, and II Water offered to the animals twice daily at the milking parlour. Milk production per day (4% FCM), percentage butterfat and liveweight gains for both treatments were 9.17 and 9.35 Kg; 3.89 and 3.90; and 0.122 and 0.110 Kg, respectively. All these differences were not statistically significant. The experiment was carried out during the summer. A sward consisting of ryegrass, cocksfoot and white clover was used, and the stocking rate was 1.6 cows per hectare. Treatment II involves an important saving in infrastructure for milk production. |
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1Ing. Agr.,. M. S., Programa Producción Lechera, Estación Experimental Remehue, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Casilla 1110, Osorno, Chile. 2Téc. Agr., Programa Producción Lechera, Estación Experimental Remehue, INIA, Casilla 1110, Osorno, Chile. |