Fermented molasses, obtained after the production of citric acid, was studied as a feed ingriedent for broilers. Its proximate analisis is: protein 22.79% (D.M.), high in glutamic acid and valine. Also is a good source of the B complex vitamins. Related to its minerals composition, contains: 6,25% of Potasium and 2.07% of Sodium (D.M.). This later is the cause of its laxative action. Used as a protein and energy source for feeding broiler, demostrated to have a better feeding value than the wheat middlings when this later was replaced in a 5 - 10% of the total diet. When the fermented molasses was used in replacement of sunflower oil meal (in a portein basis) it has a better nutritive value at a highest level of sustitution (25%). Also, fermented molasses protein can replace up to 18.75% of the fish meal protein. Because of it laxative effect, more than 5% of fermented molasses in the diet is not recomended for broilers. Perphaps it the birds are kept in cages or batteries this level could be raised up to 13.4% of the diet. Mortality was not influenced at the levels used in the experiments. |