Six different chilean species,were used in a cytological study. The following chromosomal, numbers were observed:
Alstroemeria haemantha, R. et Pav. colected in Quilpué, n = 8 Alstroemeria haemantha, R. et Pav. colected in Pichilemu, n = 8 Calceolaria integrifolia, Murr. colected in Pichilemu, n = 11 Cassia closiana, Ph. colecled in the Coast Aconcagua, n = 12 Lobelia tupa, L. colected in Pichilemu, n = 16 Pisataea coerulea, Don. colected in Los Andes, n = 10 Vicia Macraei, Hook et Am. colected in Quebrada Macul, n = 7
Eight drawings with camera lucida and three microphotographs are presented. |