ABSTRACT Short term impact of the Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research: A bibliometric analysis
Erwin Krauskopf1,2* |
In January 2007, the Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research was indexed by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI). This paper reviews the research that has been published since 2007 by using records extracted from the Web of Science database. The papers published were mostly affiliated to researchers from Chile, and six out of the ten most-contributing countries were from Latin America. The analysis by institutions showed Universidad de Concepcion as the most prolific, although this result is not valid. A lack of standardization in the manner the Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) subscribed its address on each paper caused a disaggregation of the information. This was proven by the manual curation of each record that was affiliated to any of the centers belonging to INIA. The journal has a self-citation rate of 19.3%, value that is relatively high if compared to other journals from the same subject category listed on the Journal Citation Reports 2010. Finally, this work should be considered a bibliometric snapshot of the current situation of the journal that will serve as a benchmark when new evaluations are made in a few-years time. |
Keywords: Bibliometric, epistemometry, scientific productivity, Chile. |
1Universidad Andres Bello, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, República 239, Santiago, Chile (ekrauskopf@unab.cl). 2Fundación Ciencia & Vida, Zañartu 1482, Santiago, Chile. |